Relationship Difficulties

We are in a relationship with everything…

ASC Adults offers individual, couple and family support, with the aim of having conversations that connect. Communication, understanding and healthy relating are at the heart of couples therapy.

In your relationship here are some themes to think about:-

  • How do we talk so we can connect?
  • How do we listen or not listen to each other?
  • How do we talk about important subjects in a relationship or do we avoid them and hope they will resolve themselves?
  • How do we respect our partner and seek to understand his or her world from their perspective, even if we don’t agree with their view?
  • How do we take responsibility to care for ourselves individually, meet our own needs and goals to continue to develop and grow? (As this is what we bring into a relationship.)
  • Is the quality of relating in your relationship enough for you?

You can be assured of a safe space to discuss and explore these sensitive issues in complete confidence without judgement or prejudice.